About Me

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Basel Hindi, and I work on Human-computer Interaction with Professor Brian A. Smith in the Computer-Enabled Abilities Laboratory (CEAL).

I am pursuing a Master’s degree in computer science at Columbia University (expected graduation in December 2023). My research interests include computer vision, deep learning, and human-computer interaction, and the usage of these tools for improving accessibility and system autonomy.

I graduated in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. I then worked in industry for three years doing autonomous vehicle R&D. Throughout my time in industry, I developed a passion for CS, and more specifically, for computer vision and artificial intelligence.


Since starting at Columbia University, I have been conducting research within the domains of Human-computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Accessibility, and Machine Learning. I also completed the Distributed Research Apprenticeships for Master’s (DREAM) program, and you can find my corresponding blog here.